
Monday 30 March 2015

Jodhaa Akbar is a sixteenth-century love story about a political marriage of convenience between a Mughal emperor, Akbar, and a Rajput princess, Jodhaa.
Political success knew no bounds for Emperor Akbar (Hrithik Roshan). After having secured the Hindu Kush, his empire extends from Afghanistan to the Bay of Bengal, to the Narmada River. Through a shrewd blend of diplomacy, intimidation and brute force, Akbar won the allegiance of the Rajputs. This allegiance was not universal. But little did Akbar know that when he married Jodhaa (Aishwarya Rai), a fiery Rajput princess, in order to further strengthen his relations with the Rajputs, he would in turn be embarking upon a new journey – the journey of true love.
The daughter of King Bharmal of Amer, Jodhaa resented being reduced to a mere political pawn in this marriage of alliance, and Akbar's biggest challenge now lies in winning the love of Jodhaa – a love hidden deep below resentment and extreme prejudice.

Many of the events portrayed in the movie are based on real events. Certain Rajput groups claimed Jodhaa was married to Akbar's son, Jahangir, not Akbar. The film was not released in 30 cinema theatres in Rajasthan.
Several historians claim that Akbar's Rajput wife was never known as "Jodha Bai" during the Mughal period. According to Professor Shirin Moosvi, a historian of Aligarh Muslim University, neither the Akbarnama (a biography of Akbar commissioned by Akbar himself), nor any historical text from the period refer to her as Jodha Bai. Moosvi notes that the name "Jodha Bai" was first used to refer to Akbar's wife in the 18th and 19th centuries in historical writings. In Tuzk-e-Jahangiri, she is referred as Mariam Zamani.
According to historian Imtiaz Ahmad, the director of the Khuda Baksh Oriental Public Library in Patna, the name "Jodha" was used for Akbar's wife for the first time by Lieutenant-Colonel James Tod, in his book Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan. According to Ahmad, Tod was not a professional historian.N. R. Farooqi claims that Jodha Bai was not the name of Akbar's Rajput queen; it was the name of Jahangir's Rajput wife.
Ashutosh Gowarikar's reaction was,

Tuesday 24 March 2015

This is a Cute love story!!!!… surely it will hit you!!!… enjoy it!!!!…
> > > We are planning to go for a movie on Saturday. How many of you would be interested?" one Thursday end of the day, our class rep asked this. All of us raised our hands except Nethra. He said, "Okay, interested people, please bring 120 bucks tomorrow so we can book the tickets as fast as we can" All of us tapped our desks with joy. It had been two months since we joined college and we knew each other in the class by their names and our friendship' gang started to build up. There was lot of fun during class and off class hours. All of us started to go out for movies, restaurants, birthday parties etc, except her. 

> > Nethra used to be alone and aloof always. She used to sit in the last bench and never spoke with anyone. All the other students were scared to talk to her as she was grumpy and a cranky person. She had displayed her anger many a times with other students. She was good looking but I think she would look beautiful if she smiled because no one had ever seen her smiling. Her pet name was "Miss. Long Face". None of us in the class liked her but she used to do her assignments and record works promptly and had a good name among the lecturers. She was good at studies too and class topper while I used to rank from 4 to 7.
 > > One day as usual all the boys in the class were discussing about the girls in the college; when the topic went on her. One boy said, "I pity her husband he is gonna have tough time with this girl". Another boy said, "The person who makes her smile will be an extraordinarily talented person because she is such a bad tempered girl" One jumped up and said, "Is there anybody who is ready for a challenge?" Everyone asked "what will be the challenge and the bet?" He said, "1000 bugs" "What's the challenge?"
 > everyone asked. He said, "The challenge is to befriend to Miss. Long face".
 > Since the bet and challenge was attractive I was interested in trying it; so I took up the challenge
. > > I thought of a plan to befriend her and as per my plan I did not attend the entire day's class the next Monday. On Tuesday when I went to class I asked my friends, "What were the assignments or records that were given yesterday?" They said, "The Chemistry record need to be completed till date and the deadline to submit for corrections is on Friday" I said, "Oh, just three days for Friday. Has anybody completed the record?"
 > > They said, "No, not yet. We have lot of experiments pending to be completed"
 > > I went to her and said, "Hi Nethra" 
> > She was writing something and when she heard me, she raised her head and looked at me sternly and asked, "What?"
 > > I asked, "Have you completed the chemistry record?" 
> > Sternly she said, "Yes" 
> > I said, "I did not attend the last chemistry class and I heard that we need to submit the record by this Friday. Nobody else in the class has completed it so it would be great if you could lend me your record. I'll return it tomorrow" With lots of hesitation she gave me the record and in a warning
 > tone she said, "Handle it carefully and return it tomorrow without fail"
 > > I took the record notebook from her and intentionally left it at home on the day I promised to return back in order to develop friendship. I was so impressed by the way she has maintained it. Her handwriting was beautiful and the highlighting & markings, presentation of the record was mind blowing. I liked her record and I liked her too, but she was a mystery. I was curious to find out the secret behind her callous nature. 
> > On Wednesday she asked me, "Where is my record?" 
> > "Your presentation skill is very impressive" I said. 
> > She asked, "Where is my record?" 
> > "I complimented about your record" I said
 > > She said, "I don't need your compliment, I need my record?" 
> > "I didn't complete it yet, shall I give it tomorrow?" I asked 
> > "I need it by tomorrow without fail" furiously she said and turned to leave 
> my desk.
 > > "Can you remind me in the morning so I won't forget? Please and this is my number" saying this I wrote my number on a piece of paper and gave it to her as she was about to leave. 
> > She plucked the paper and walked off rapidly without saying anything. I knew this was the right way to get her number. 
> > On Thursday morning she called me early in the morning and said, "Nethra here, called you to remind about the record book" saying this she disconnected the call.
 > > As soon as I came to the class she asked, "My record book"
 > > I searched my bag and hit my head and said, "Oh I am sorry, it's not there in my bag, I forgot to bring it. Give me your address after the class I will bring it to your home" 
> > She said, "I know you'll do like this. Irresponsible fellow, that's why I hesitated to give it, Okay I will wait near the college entrance in the evening bring it to the college"